Where Do We Go From Here?

Let me introduce myself.  The name is Chew and I have spent 32 years teaching history and economics and coaching swimming and soccer.   I have finally graduated with the Class of 2015.  Here’s the proof–

Thank you M and T!
Thank you M and T!

This blog is intended to share random thoughts that may be entertaining,  a little humorous, deeply insightful, and always in good taste (you know- appropriate for general audiences).  After teaching for so long, I must have learned something of value to finally share with an audience.  Hope you enjoy this… and so we begin…

Fellow graduates, where do we go from here?  Here is an idea. Let’s go do something to become productive.  Our communities need well educated, highly trained, tech savvy individuals to keep our economy growing.  Don’t think about it anymore- it is time for action.  Finish up the college admissions, sign on with a branch of the armed services, head to tech school, or get the job of your dreams.  Learn a trade.  Whatever you decide to do, get the education you need in order to produce the goods and services I want.  And, hey, don’t discount a strong liberal arts background.  Learn to think.  Learn to write and communicate effectively.   Just like I’m doing right now…

Me?  Now that I’m out, I am going to take a road trip. More on that next time.   Please feel free to invite all your friends to join in.  This trip is going to be lots of fun.

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